Who is Holistic Abortions?
Holistic Abortions’ team and co-conspirators are grounded in liberation work across issues. Leadership is made up of queer, gender-fluid neurodiverse baddies who have had and/or support people having abortions. We are actively decoupling the internalized aspects of colonization in our minds and bodies. We are committed to increasing access, information, and availability of various abortion methods as a means of nurturing autonomous communities and liberation toward our collective resilience. We are guided by ancestral wisdoms and are rooted in the rich soils nurtured by generations of creative, spiritual, and resilient individuals and communities of activists, Indigenous, Black and decolonized thinkers. We acknowledge and honor the people that have come before us that hold the unbroken thread connecting abortion keepers across time. May we remember where we come from to guide us where we are going.
Unapologetically pro-abortion, pro-abolition, and pro-autonomy
Vision and Values
All people deserve to have information, resources and the support needed to make informed decisions about their bodies, their reproductive lives and when and how they want to build their family.
This is practiced by offering sliding scale, scholarships, and making lessons and using language that is easy to understand.
Inclusivity is paramount. We get through together or not at all. Our lessons and teaching resources use gender inclusive language. But more than that, it means naming and dismantling white supremacy and the colonial mindset when we see it.
We are committed to continuously learn from and support the work of Indigenous leaders calling for land back, environmental justice and Indigenous sovereignty in this region and elsewhere.
Another part is integrating honest conversations of global imperial histories, white supremacy and cultural appropriation into classes, courses, and conversations, not exclusive to, but especially when discussing herbal medicine.
Honest feedback and accountability are important. We realize we are all perpetually unlearning, learning, and growing. We are committed to hearing concerns and feedback from the community our creations, classes and content in an effort to build new worlds and move towards autonomy and collective liberation.
We start building now. Divest from large corporations and support one another! We use small-batch printing for zines, posters and stickers from regional, union print shops.
This work, the classes and resources are a culmination of many generations, many collectives, many individuals. They are built on the work of many who came before us. Additionally, many resources are the product of working partnerships or derived from the work and expertise of providers, herbalists, researchers, organizers, and practitioners. We strive to create well-rounded resources and work collaboratively whenever possible.
Podcasts and Print Media